Use "formalize|formalized|formalizes|formalizing" in a sentence

1. How can Christians formalize important business transactions?

2. 6 attack and Conspiring to prevent Congress from formalizing President Biden’s victory

3. Coordination among GSAs can be formalized through Coordination Agreements

4. Small software houses will sometimes use less formalized approaches.

5. Sometimes, we even have these formalized cultural expectations.

6. We have also taken the initiative to formalize bilateral labour agreements with key host countries.

7. The Treaty of Cebu was formalized on 3 July 1565.

8. A fully - fledged QMS is a formalized, company - wide system.

9. • Letter of Understanding Formalizes Commitment to Yukon Placer Regime May 19, 2006 - Whitehorse, YT

10. 1986: SQL-87 was initially formalized by Ansi in 1986

11. By formalizing objectives and reviewing their attainment, the care programme approach should improve effectiveness of care.

12. The more contemporary, much more formalized than expert-based is Cladistics

13. The Treaty of Versailles, imposed on Germany, formalized the Allied victory.

14. The procedures described here are an attempt to formalize and operationalize Chaining for the purposes of

15. The Regulatory Framework will formalize policy and procedural changes affecting all residential, training and transient accommodations.

16. Aphrodite was associated with the concept of sacred prostitution formalized by scholars

17. The British first formalized urban agriculture with the British Allotments Act, 1925.

18. Twenty-four forums report formalized rules and procedures regarding access to information

19. It generates abstract or virtual machines in formalizing the notions of objects and of relations between these objects.

20. Rivers: some political borders have been formalized along natural borders formed by rivers.

21. It also declared Noriega "chief executive officer" of the government, formalizing a state of affairs that had existed for six years.

22. Essentially this concept formalizes previously applied precedents and strengthens the protection afforded to those who submit bids in the tendering process.

23. Acephalous society is a society without any formalized or institutionalized system of power and authority

24. Statistic is considered a formalized language system. Some statistical algorithms are interpreted in aBoolean lattice.

25. The new Clientelism is not inconsistent with internal party cohesion and formalized chains of command.

26. Assertional semantics (cont) Key ideas: – Formalize the meaning of each type of statement using a deductive system of axioms and inference rules

27. The structure of a kabuki play was formalized during this period, as were many elements of style.

28. Band names and affiliations will be formalized this fall, as soon as the appropriate ministerial orders are signed.

29. Virtually all rodents display Burrowing behavior, yet measurement of this behavior has not yet been standardized or formalized

30. This will be formalized in writing as part of the annual AAP submission and review meeting immediately.

31. Arra formalizes the role and responsibilities of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT or more often just ONC) within the U.S

32. The Production Quality Compiler-Compiler project at Carnegie-Mellon University does not formalize semantics, but does have a semi-formal framework for machine description.

33. The two sides formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on February 22, 2002 and signed a permanent ceasefire agreement (CFA).

34. Bargaining is centralized, highly formalized, and wide-ranging with highly codified agreements[Sentence dictionary], and there is extensive joint consultation.

35. Customary units) are a system of measurements commonly used in the United States since it was formalized in 1832

36. Method, device, computer program and computer program product for processing linguistic data in accordance with a formalized natural language.

37. At the same time the Adoptive parents are being provided formalized training and education, social activities will be provided in

38. 20 It can only do this if it implements its plans and policies flexibly, rather than according to formalized rules.

39. The new Open Access policy, which will be rolled out in phases in the coming year, formalizes the Bank’s practice of making research and knowledge freely available online.

40. We suggest how given problems can be formalized and analysed using symbolic algebra systems. Several applied examples are given, with an important bibliography.

41. On the basis of this formalized system, NLP-oriented disambiguation knowledge along with its representation formulism and application strategy is given.

42. In 1997, Sun Microsystems approached the ISO/IEC JTC 1 standards body and later the Ecma International to formalize Java, but it soon withdrew from the process.

43. The Beguines were a phenomenal way of life that swept across Europe, yet they were never a religious order or a formalized movement.

44. In Florence, the arrangement was unofficial, as it was not constitutionally formalized before the Medici were expelled from the city in 1494.

45. Police colleges began to offer the police documental retrieval course in 19 In the last 20 years, police education has been formalized.

46. The term "Proof of Work" or PoW was first coined and formalized in a 1999 paper by Markus Jakobsson and Ari Juels.

47. Alfred Tarski and the ``Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages'' - a running commentary with consideration of the Polish original and the German translation

48. The directions of Chinese education in Indonesia proposed by this paper are: formalized education system, diversified sources of learners and professionalize teaching staff.

49. It's generally agreed that Ballet began as a formalized court dance that originated in 15th-century western Europe, first in Italy, then, as Italian nobles and …

50. For example, human resources staff are normally authorized to access employee records and this policy is usually formalized as access control rules in a computer system.

51. The functions of the Special Assistant have been accommodated with the temporary loan of a post, and the proposed reassignment will formalize an arrangement that is of a continuing nature.

52. Owing to the utilization of the formalized method, logical calculus is more abstract and strict than the traditional logic in the study of the valid inferential form.

53. It started out in the late 1950's, first formalized in a report titled Algol 58, and then progressed through reports Algol 60, and Algol 68

54. The creation of Baguazhang as a formalized martial art, is attributed to Dong Haichuan (董海川), who is said to have learned from Taoist and Buddhist masters in …

55. The major division in the Jain community arose in the fifth century BC, and became formalized around 300 BC, when the Jain scripture called Agams [the Agamas] was compiles.

56. Abstract Two mirror-image isomorphisms between general Bracketings and binary Bracketings are formalized which parallel the isomorphisms described by De Bruijn and Morselt between plane trees and trivalent plane trees

57. Communalized Play Hoping to stave off individualism, parents formalize interaction through toys Implications - As technology infiltrates childhood more and more, the desire to push children in a more social-centric direction is taking precedent to help stave off the effects of …

58. Was a Barricadoing social security administration attorney of the silver-green social security administration attorney fees flung calorie-free to this phalangeal station—including some pyridium evictions with descurainia conspirators to tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein.The formalized social security administration attorney,

59. These and other SAARC initiatives were formalized through instruments that were signed by our Heads of State and Government during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth SAARC Summits to advance intra-SAARC cooperation in these crucial areas.

60. He further formalized the tax code as well, not only trying to make the tax burden fairer, but also created a system where adults without land ownership were distributed lands to farm on, to encourage food production.

61. Honor is formalized through ceremonials, medals and postures of respect events and other adornments which impress the public as to the value of the actions of the soldiers and hence the value of the war that they represent.

62. Anglo-Texans unwilling or unable to seek a priest in Catholic communities received permission from the authorities to sign a marriage bond, a practice common in the non-Anglican foothills of Virginia and the Carolinas before 1776, promising to formalize their union when a priest arrived

63. In the rest of O'Donnell's summary, Lee Goodwin, a bootlegger whom Temple helps convict for a crime he did not commit, is Allegorized as "Poor White Trash," and Horace Benbow, who unsuccessfully defends Goodwin, as "the Formalized Tradition."

64. In paragraphs # and # the Board recommended that UNFPA improve controls in respect of the leave administration process by formalizing standard leave practices across the organization; and the Board recommended that UNFPA take measures to ensure that the leave administration systems provide accurate data in order to determine an appropriate contingency for leave liability

65. Adjudicators are a very highly trained group of personnel security specialists. Being that they occupy a very crucial and sensitive position in the security clearance process, Adjudicators undergo almost 18 to 24 months of on-the-job training, computer-based training and a formalized classroom instructional program.

66. Birdsong Guitars formalized & opened shop in 2004 after searching for an instrument that couldn't be found - a short scale bass that balanced, with full size tone, hand built to professional standards - with none of the issues of the "old classics" or other short scale basses

67. A final point of interest is the fact that Antivenenes of a comparable cross potency, as far as colubrine venoms are concerned, may be produced on the one hand by the use of unmodified venoms and on the other by employing only formalized anavenoms ; this furnishes further evidence of the practical utility of the rapid method of producing

68. Maimonides s writings reveal his preoccupation with approaching rationally a religion that was based largely on law and tradition: the study of Torah and its interpretation as formalized in the Talmud, the tradition of law, or halakah, and nonlegal matters, which form the Aggadah.The Commentary on the Mishneh, started in 1158 when Maimonides was only twenty-two years old, is a rabbinic